Thursday, February 24, 2011

I'm stunned, happy - but stunned !

" Is this real , Sis ?  Pinch me ! !!
Tell me again this is real ! "

I asked my sis because my mom just told all of us. I been nominated for 


And I also want to THANK YOU to CAREN & CODY from CAT CHAT
to gave this awards to all of us.

Lucky ! I still got more 7 things left to tell you about myself.

1. I owned 5 Front Yard 4 Backyards and 3 houses along my street. You don't believe, do you ?

House No. 1 : My ex-owner house, I own their front yard, back yard and indoor. I still visit them sometime.
House No. 2 : The old lady's front yard and back yard ( Next to my ex-owner house ) I used to gave her a dead birdy as a gift. I still impress her till now.
House No. 3 : My House, I own the house, front yard and back yard.
House No. 4 : Smudge's front yard, Yes, I always sit in front of his house like I own it : )
House No. 5 : My Nextdoor Neigbour. They are a couple , and they said  He is a good boy ! They let me indoor, front yard and back yard.

2. All cats love card board box. But not me ! ... I just don't know what to do with the cardboard box ! I just sniff then walk away : )

3. I love to watch my mom load the dish to the dish washer. I love to watch the drop of the water from the upper tray drop to the bottom.

4. I do BIG fart to my pawrents if they don't let me outside !

5. I can do purring while I'm eating. 

6. My bed time is 8.30 pm. I will reach the bed by myself if my pawrents want to stay late.

7. I'm a boss of mom but my dad is a boss of me and my sis !

Now who I nominated for 15 of our furfriends... Ta Da..

1. Carolyon,
2. Pikku Punapippuri,
3. Poppy Q,
4. The Kool- Kittie-Krew,
5. A Tale of 2 Kitties,
6. Mickey's Musing,
7. Raymond and Busby,
8. Princess Jasmine,
9. Daisy the Curly Cat,
10. Fuzzy Tales,
11. OK. Cats,
12. Eric and Flynn's Adventures,
13. Mario's Meowsings,
14. SpittySpeaks,
15. Mom and Me, Kassey


Kea said...

Congratulations on your fabulous award and thanks for including us on the list of those you passed it on to. *We're* honored!

You know, you own more property than anyone else we know of. LOL.

And you know you always make our mom smile when she comes here to visit your blog. ("BIG fart" -- hahahaha.)

CCL Wendy said...

Congrats on your award, Mr. Puddy -- you certainly deserve it!

And you have quite the domain, there. No wonder you are King!

We'll have to up your title from Mister to King Puddy. What do you think?

By the way, you were asking how I come up with all the LOLs. Well, it's just the way my mind always works. I focus in on something in the picture and then the ideas just keep flowing. I call it my stream of consciousness!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Yes indeed, awesome, awesome, awesome you are, congratulations Mr Puddy!!!

Daisy said...

Congratulations on your award, Mr. Puddy! And thank you for thinking of me, too. I enjoyed reading your 7 things. #4 made me laugh! I am surprised you do not enjoy boxes. Just jump inside one. I think you will have fun!

GreatGranny said...

Concatulations,Mr.Puddy. My Mom says to thank you very much for giving us the award. We feel so honored.You always make My Mom smile cuz she loves Mr.Puddy .
I thought all cats loved boxes. It's OK that you don't. We enjoyed reading everything about you and all the houses you own.

Mariodacat said...

Thank you for the honor pal. he he - I was going to pass the award on to you cuz I won it from Brian's Home a couple of days ago. I think I'll pass it on to you anyway (will be doing mine tomorrow), but you don't have to go through the whole ordeal again. I just think you have an awesome blog and I want all my other friends to see your name - maybe they will visit you too. Once they do, they'll be hooked just like me and M are!!

Kay L. Davies said...

Mr. Puddy, you are a real cool cat. Congratulations on your award, and on having so many front yards, back yards, and houses; also 15 online cat friends. That's wonderful, and we're very proud of you.
Love, Kay and Lindy

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Carolyon said...

Congrats on your award and thanks for nominating me :)
I agree with you! Watching people load the dishwasher is brilliant! And sometimes I like to help by actually getting in it.

Caroline said...

Mr Puddy you are SO gorgeous and purring while eating? I'm very impressed. You deserve the award.

Old Kitty said...

Mr. Puddy!! Well of course you have an awesome blog award from these fantastic bloggie friends cos you are - you know - TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!

Me and Charlie love the big farts you give your mum and dad when they don't let you out!! LOL!!!!

Take care

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Concats on your award Mr. Puddy and thanks for passing it on to us. You certainly have a lot of property.

Stacy Hurt said...

Mr. Puddy you is very way awesome & I am happy you gots this award!

I love visiting you each day!

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Congrats on the great awardie! You gave great things about yerself. And that was a really good list of deserving kitties to pass it on to!


We'll say it again:



Freya's Staff said...

Oh Mr Puddy, I've just read so many pages of your blog, and you're so funny!

I'm a new subscriber now! And you have to be funny EVERY day now :-)


Ellen Whyte said...

Concatulations on your award, Puddy! We are dead curious about that farting weapon. Sounds ominous.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

YAY PUDDY!!!! CONCATULATIONS!! You deserve every award that there is!!

I love how you are the "boss of your Mom" and your Dad is the "boss of you!"

OMG you FART when you want to go out?

Puddy are you sure you weren't a real estate tycoon in one of your previous nine lives? You sure own A LOT of houses and yards!

xoxoxo Ohhhhh and thanks for mentioning us! You know we love you!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh Puddy! You are so talented as well as heartbreakingly handsome. Fart to go out? Awesome. What a stunningly great reminder to your pawrents.

Tamago said...

Congratulations on your award, Mr. Puddy!! Your 7 things made me laugh so hard...! You fart if they don't let you outside? That must work!

Danielle said...

Concats on your award! You are awesome!

You have quite the domain. I agree with CCL Wendy! You're a king!

Anonymous said...

Concats and thank you so much fur thinking of us! We Loves You~!!!

Cara n Crew said...

Concats, Mr Puddy! We think you're pretty awesome too :) You are quite the neighborhood tycoon! hee hee, wtg!

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and Hollie

Jacqueline said...

Congratulations on the awesome award, Puddy!...We are impressed by all the property you own=you are a popular boy!!...We love you handsome!...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
PS...Our verification word is cattat!...xoxo

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Mr Puddy,
So you're the real estate tycoon of Melbourne everyone's talking about? You're pawesome Puddy, with our without any award. purrrr....meow!

The Island Cats said...

Congrats on your award, Puddy!! You sure are lucky to have so many yards and houses!! And you are the first cat we have met that didn't like a box!!

Catsparella said...

Congratulations, Puddy!! You are the awesomest!! I really liked your list of facts! I'm always learning something new about you!

Catio Tales said...

Puddy, you totally deserve this award as your blog is most awesome. We love the photos and your comments. You are such a funny guy and total cat about town.
We think the idea of farting if we don't get what we want is really good - we are going to try to practice.
And we are humbled you passed the award to us. Thank you most kindly sir.

Princess Jasmine said...

Congratulations on your award Mr Puddy and thank you for nom nominating ME :) xxxx

Teddy Westlife said...

Congrats on your award Mr Puddy! I don't know what to do with boxes either.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Concats! You certainly DESERVE such a nice award!

We love LUNA said...

You are AWESOME !

Forever Foster said...

Dude. You have such an awesome life. I have to share my living room!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Well we must salute the property tycoon - you must be a furry wealthy Mr Puddy. Congratulations on your award - it is great to hear all about our furrends.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Florida Furkids said...

ConCatulations on that pawsome award! We can't imagine not liking boxes!! We'd be happy to show you the finer points of box enjoyment!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Congrats on your award!!! Mommy thinks that you are just so very handsome! :)

OKcats said...

Mr. Puddy, you are one of the most awesome cats we know. Thank you so much for giving us this award!! We have big huge whisker grins right now! We'll see if our mom will help us get this posted soon. We love Mr. Puddy!!!

Marg said...

Hi there, Mr. Puddy. You sure have quite a kingdom. Good for you to own all those houses and yards.
And Congrats on that award. You certainly deserve it. We certainly like your blog and will be back. We love that you fart when you need to go out. We just got to the door and scream if Mom doesn't get up right away.
By the way, we think you are just so handsome. We love the Black and White kitties.

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