Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Garden Bed

Hello ! .. This is my big water bowl in my garden. Since last October, mom plan to make this area just for me. And a month ago she start to plant something around my water bowl. Mom are not good with planting. So some might dead, Some has survived. Let me show you which plants are survivor : )

The first survivor from mom's devil hands. Please welcome...Catnip !....The rest of catnips mom planted from seeds all are disappeared in one night. No one know about it. It's still be a mystery till now. Just only one catnip plant has survived.

The Survivor no. 2 is Lavender, mom put this Lavender in my garden bed because she used to read it safe for cat and help cat to calm down. But I'm not sure how it's going to work because she put Lavender between Catnip and Survivor no. 3 Catmint ( picture below )

Mom didn't see me interested all these plants.

But she does see me enjoy drinking my fresh water in my big bowl everyday.

With My Happy Face : )


Daisy said...

Wowie, your outdoor spa and garden is fabulous! I think my Mommeh has devil hands, too. LOL!

Catsparella said...

Wow, what a beautiful idea!! And you really are smiling in the last pic, Puddy! That catnip looks delicious!!

Kea said...

Whoohoo -- catnip and catmint! Wow! We hope they thrive, Puddy!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You are a very lucky boy, Puddy!

Cat said...

What a wonderful mum you have Puddy to do so many nice things for you!!!

Kay L. Davies said...

I'll bet I know what happened to those seeds. When I planted catnip outside, my cat Herman (he was very smart, like you) dug up the seeds and ate them.
You're so lucky to have such a good family. I'm glad you found them, especially your mom.
-- K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Deb said...

Your mom LOVES you. :)

SuziQCat said...

Your garden is looking great! We love the fresh plants around the water bowl, so pretty.

The catnip will grow like crazy and'll be set!

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Che bella questa ciotola !
La mia mamma me l'ha comperata di alluminio....
Ciao Puddy, sarebbe molto bello potersi conoscere di persona !
Il profilo รจ veramente da vera sfinge egiziana !
Baci Igor ( e mamma )

Mariodacat said...

WOW - you get catnip and cat mint? M just grows cat mint for me. But dat's my favorite spot in the garden - I can stand there for an hour and sniff all over the cat mint plant.

Princess Jasmine said...

What a lovely garden you have there. You are very lucky. And yes, you have a very smiley face there :) xx

Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh Mr. Puddy you HANDSOME man cat you. I just get all fainty looking at you!!! BUT I meant to say that you need to try your cat mint and your cat nip...right away, OH, those whiskers you have are SO manly.

pee ess: Don't worry..Rupert my man (and Spitty and Star)

Canidae Pet Blog Editor said...

I planted some catnip last summer, but my three cats won't stop munching it long enough to let it get all nice and big like yours! ^..^

OKcats said...

That first picture of you made us smile real big! Then we saw the last picture of you, and YOU were smiling real big! We love your happy face, Mr. Puddy

Luscious Lucy said...

We SEE you smiling, our 99.9% brother and 100% soul-brother! OH, but you are the most handsome of all cats in this world! Even our mom is swooning on the floor -- look what you have done to her!
We are looking very closely at your fabulous garden and writing notes for Mom. YOUR mom has the best ideas! Do you think you could lend her to us? We promise to share our toys and food with her -- even give her first choice!
We are so happy and proud to call you our brother and best friend :D
XoXoXo....and XXX's from Mom, too.

Luscious Lucy said...

Oh my goodness! We see a cat up there that wrote to you in Italian! We didn't KNOW you spoke Italian, and now we're even MORE impressed!
Maybe we could speak it if we had enough nip....

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Wow, Catnip AND catmint! It will be interesting to learn which one you like best.

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Puddy, a garden just for you. Your mom is so thoughtful! I didn't know lavender calmed us down. Who knew? Right now, we're stuck with white. White, white and more white. Not a soothing color at all!


Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!!!! Awww your mum has the famed green fingers!! yay!! You have catnip, cat mint, and lavender!! Your great big bowl of water is going to be the prettiest one yet surrounded by all these flowers!! Yay!!! Take care

Annie Bear said...

Pudd, what beautiful pictures! I really love that top one of you. Wow! Catnip and mint! Mama laughed at your mom's "devil hands." She says she has the true devil hands when it comes to plants. You're so lucky that your mom has made such a nice place for you!

CCL Wendy said...

Mr. Puddy -- with your lovely plants and big water bowl in the garden, I think you should join the "Society of Feline Gardeners" that is headed by Jonesie of the Cory Cat blog. They do gardening posts every Thursday.

Dante is their Secretary of Fertilization, too. He'd like you to join.

Also, did you see yourself on the LOLSpot again today?

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh Mr. Puddy, your garden is perrrrrfect for you! So lovely, and you have everything within reach.
Your mom is getting better with the garden and that is good news!

My mom likes to grow in the garden and she thinks it is all "luck!" sometimes things survive and sometimes they turn black and die! ha ha ha


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You have a great garden with your catmint and catnip.
Will you be holding a garden party?

Brian's Home Blog said...

I agree, you are one special ManCat fur sure!


With your catnip and cat mint plants you are going to have the place to meet Mr Puddy.


Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Puddy your Mom is growing everything that we love!
Lavender is one of my Mom's favorite things, goes without saying that catnip is one of MY favorite things....I never had catmint (is it for kitties???)
I am wondering if your kitty friend is the one that keeps taking the catnip?

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Oh Mr. Puddy what a Wonderful Garden you have, and what a great water bowl, nice & Big ^..^
Mom thinkz you are such a Handsome Boy.
Enjoy your Garden ~
Purrrzz ~

Sparkle said...

My human kills the catnip she brings home within a matter of weeks. So her hand of death is worse than your human's.

Cat Street Boyz said...

OHHHHH, those photos make us want Spring....NOW!!!!=^Y^=

Cara n Crew said...

You have your own personal garden, Mr Puddy! Your mom is very nice :). Our mom's favorite plant is lavender. She has been trying to grow catmint for us too but her thumb is very black indeed!

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie,and Hollie

The Island Cats said...

Oh Mr. Puddy, how lucky that you have your own salad next to your water bowl!! We love love love fresh catnip and catmint!!

Raymond and Busby said...

What a lovely garden! We have to plant our catnip in a hanging planter so outdoor neighbor cats don't eat it. That may be what happened to yours!

Stacy Hurt said...

Oh Mr. Puddy sings
"I'm to seexie for my sexie for my fur... to sexie for YOU!"

*batts big animae eyes*

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Cat-from-Sydney said...

OMC! Fresh nips? How luck you are Mr Puddy! Err...gimme your adrress. We'll move next door. purrr....meow!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Mr. Puddy, you are such a loved cat. How nice to have your own garden. That's a nice water bowl too.

Poppy Q said...

Great photos Pudster, I love to drink out of bowls in the garden too.

Thanks for admiring my bedroom throne, I love me a good window seat.

Poppy Q

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

WOW! I fink yoor mom did brilliant! Fresh water AND catmint? Awesome! Yoo have a lovely garden!

We love Luna said...

Dear Puddy, you are awesome, I love your eyes!
Your garden if full of cool stuffs my friend!I see the reason you are always in good mood! :)

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Hi Puddy! What a great picture of you. You have a great garden there!!!

Cory said...

Mr. Puddy, at least the plants that survived are the most important plants in the world to us kitties. Catmint and catnip!!

We just love seeing your happy handsome face!

Kimi Ryl said...

Mr Puddy, ur garden is so nice ^^ catnip and catmint everywhere~

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

Great garden Puddy and we like all the nip plants.

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