Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Across my house

Mommy hate this place ! .. Just across our house. Not because there is a jungle of weed but because I love to go there. And it means I do across the street ! ( dad saw me so many times ).

Mom and Dad told me thousand times not to across the street but I just love there. It's a huge jungle for me ! It's my adventure. It's already a year, this jungle is never been cut down.

One day when mom walk back home, she saw the guy cut the jungle. Mom start to have a big hope I may stop to go there when all jungle is gone. Half of the jungle has been cut but another half still stand.

The sun start to go down. The cat lady appear on my street as usual. This time she saw her target ( Me ) right in front of her across the street. I was inside the gate, do stalking something. She quickly across the street and calls me " Puddy !  "

I pretend not to hear her. I keep doing what I do and She keeps doing what she does as well. I keep stalking inside the gate, She stand outside the gate and keeps calling me plus take photos ( could you believe this ? )

We pay attention what we intend to do. Never lose any attention. Many cars stop and have a look. We are not really care ! We keep doing what we have to do till all cars have gone ! Cat lady lose her mind again she increase her voice " PUDDYYY  COME HERE ! NOW ! " Finally, I got out of the gate, run across the street then jumped inside my gate. Mom followed me and took me inside the house.

Today, the guys come to cut all of the jungle. Mom have her hope again. " My son may stop to go there " Mom allowed to have some hope but only COD will know what will happen next !


Princess Jasmine said...

Oh Mr Puddy, please be careful of that road. Simba has told me all about roads and I am already scared of them!! xx

Kea said...

Puddy, we think you might be giving your mom grey hair! You'd give *our* mom grey hair (er, more grey hair), that's certain. Please, please, please be careful crossing that road! We wish you wouldn't but understand the lure of the jungle. :-/

The Monkeys said...

We don't know a lot about roads (except for Deli), but we want you to be careful! It looks scary to us!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Jungles are very exciting and we love ours, but Mr. Puddy, you must be very careful because roads are dangerous. Your mum is scared you will get hurt by the cars.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Puddy please dont go on the road as roads are very bad and cars are realy bad. I know your mum will be worried and I also know the jungle will pull you. Be careful Hugs GJ x

GreatGranny said...

Mr. Puddy, this is why my Mom won't let me out. One day I slipped out of my harness and nearly got away, so I understand your love of adventure. I would not want you hurt.
xxxx Kassey

Brian's Home Blog said...

I agree with the others, the road is a very bad place, and you are way too special to get hurt by the evil machines!

Kay L. Davies said...

Oh, Puddy, I hate the thought of you crossing the road, too. Lindy doesn't go outside without me or her daddy taking her on a leash, so we can watch for danger. Lindy thinks she is protecting us, though.
-- K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

The Whiskeratti said...

Mr. Puddy, as much as we all luff adventure, we hope you stop crossing the street. So many bad things can happen.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Keep up hope Mr Puddy, jungles do grow back! But be very careful about that road. We hear some roads can make fat cats flat!

Katnip Lounge said...

Puddy, promise us you'll look both ways before you cross the street!

Maybe if the jungle in your yard grows up you won't want to go wandering.

Mariodacat said...

puddy - it sure looked like a good time to me. Darn oomans always has to ruin our fun. M says she's happy you did cross the street safely - she says she'd worry bout you too.


OH Puddy be very VERY careful when you cross that road. (is it well traveled?)
We will worry about you like your Mom does now.


Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!!!! You must be very very very very careful when you cross that road - any road!!!!! Please Mr Puddy!!! If you must go to your jungle, you must be very careful!!

Take care

Sparkle said...

Mr. Puddy, the solution is SO easy - if you human does not like you exploring that jungle, then she should make a jungle in your own yard!

Ellen Whyte said...

Careful Puddy, those places can be dangerous for kitties.

Admiral Hestorb said...

Mr. Puddy, you must NOT go into that place because there could be poisonous snakes or insects AND you could get mashed like a potato if you keep crossing the street, Please don't do that, Listen to your mom and dad.

=^..^= said...

We got so nervous watching you get to your jungle! PLEASE BE CAREFUL, PUDDY!!!

~Slash & Bronzy

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Mr Puddy,
I agree with Sparkle. Make a deal with your mum. Jungle in backyard or jungle across the street. Take care, OK? purrrr....meow!

Gigi said...

Oh Puddy, we know the street is scary but I hope you are brave and smart and really careful out there. Don't scare your mom so much! Be a good boy and stay on your side of the street, okay? Jungle is all gone anyway!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

"I pretend not to hear her. I keep doing what I do and She keeps doing what she does as well. I keep stalking inside the gate, She stand outside the gate and keeps calling me plus take photos ( could you believe this ? )"

OMC Puddy you make me laugh! Even if I am laughing your Mom only yells and yells because she doesn't want you to get hurt (and we don't either!) now that the jungle is gone Puddy maybe you could stay by your house?

The Island Cats said...

Oh Puddy! That jungle does look very tempting. But be careful, okay??

The Chair Speaks said...

If you keep crossing that dangerous road, you may get locked in for your own good.

Cara n Crew said...

Oh, Mr Puddy! You are lucky your mom has patience with you :) Pip tried pulling stunts like yours here and she's been under house arrest since!

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and HOllie

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Hi Mr. Puddy :)
sei un gatto molto fortunato ad avere una mamma che si prende cura e si preoccupa per te !
Comunque la tua mamma ha ragione... tutti dovrebbero tenere il proprio luogo pulito !!!!
Baci, Igor ( e mamma )

Catio Tales said...

Mr Puddy, sir, we are all really worried now - streets mean CARS and that's not good. Please, please, please be careful. The jungle looks awesome and we would be tempted too but we are worried you are safe when you cross that grey bit.

We love LUNA said...

Wow, I imagine lots of adventures that you have in that jungle! It's so cool, your place is very special!
purrs, love and happy Tuesday

Forever Foster said...

That jungle looks so tempting. It kind of looks like our back yard! MOL!

Marg said...

Mr. Puddy, that jungle does look very interesting but we sure hate that you have to cross the road to get to it. Like everyone else, we sure want you to be careful. Look both ways before you cross over. Take care.

Daisy said...

Oh Puddy, is it safe over there?! I hope you are very, very careful crossing the road.

My Mind's Eye said...

Mr. Puddy please be careful crossing on that road!!!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We hope you have learned to look both ways before crossing the road Mr Puddy - that's what our mum always tells us when we go adventuring - we only live in a little road though and it stops a couple of bungalows further on than us so we suppose we are lucky.
We would love to join you on your adventures - it's a shame we don't live nearer to your jungle.
luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Moms can be such worriers. We just purray you will be safe every time you cross that street.


Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Puddy, yoo will make yoor mom have kittens (euphemism) by crossing that road!


Wendy said...

Mr. Puddy you have us worried about you now. Our mom gets very scared if she sees us even near the street in front of our house. We would be so devastated if anything happened to you.
Purrs to you,
Miss Bella and Sele

CCL Wendy said...

Poor Puddy! First they cut down your back yard jungle, and now the one across the street! What's a cat to do?

It's not as much fun to stalk things when the grass is short -- you have no catmouflage.

I am glad that you went back home, though. I'm sure your Mommy doesn't want you to get lost -- and neither do you!

Ann Dziemianowicz said...

Mr. Puddy: You are such the adventurer! You mentioned in my blog post that you would love a cat gang like that! I could see you as the leader of the pack! Definitely! :)

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